This State Pays Residents $2,000 a Year

Teddy Kelley
Alaska has a number of incentive programs to entice people into becoming it's resident. So anybody who moves to Alaska with the mind-set to live there permanently can opt into the state’s annual Permanent Fund Dividend Division. With the revenue made from the state's oil, yearly checks are giving to permanent residents, both adults and children ever since 1982.

In order to get a cut of the check, rules are fairly simple. Applicants must have been Alaskan residents for all of the previous year, not claimed residency in any other state, and not have been absent from Alaska for more than 180 days. Applicants also cannot have been sentenced or incarcerated from any felony convictions over the past year.

Residents can use the money however they like — as long as they keep living in Alaska. Ranging  from $331 to $2.072 per person.

So, what are you waiting for? Something good requires a great deal of decision making.

This article originally appeared on by Cailey Rizzo


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